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Getting Kids Ready for Back to School: Tips for a Smooth Transition

As summer winds down, the excitement and anticipation of a new school year begin to build. Preparing your kids for back to school can be a fun and rewarding experience with a bit of planning and organization. Here are some tips to help ensure a smooth transition: 1. Establish a Routine Start adjusting your child’s sleep schedule a week or two before school begins. Gradually move bedtime earlier and wake them up closer to the time they’ll need to get up for school. This helps their bodies adjust and makes the first week back less of a shock. 2. Organize School Supplies Make a list of necessary school supplies and involve your child in the shopping process. Letting them choose their notebooks, pens, and backpacks can make them more excited about the new school year. Don’t forget to label everything with their name! 3. Create a Study Space Set up a dedicated, clutter-free area for homework and studying. Ensure it’s well-lit and stocked with all the supplies they might need. Having a speci

A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing the US Debt Problem


The US debt problem is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach to solve. While closing the $688 billion tax gap is a step in the right direction, it is not a panacea for the US debt problem. According to a recent article by AOL, even if the IRS achieves a 100% collectible rate and closes the estimated $688 billion tax gap, that won’t be enough to meaningfully shrink the US debt gap. The article suggests that the US government needs to focus on other areas such as reducing spending, increasing revenue, and improving economic growth.

The US debt problem is a critical issue that requires immediate attention. The current debt-to-GDP ratio indicates that current policy under this report’s assumptions is unsustainable. If lawmakers fail to take action soon, the report projects that the federal debt could “exceed 200 percent [of GDP] by 2046 and reach 566 percent by 2097”. To stabilize the federal debt at current levels, the Financial Report estimates that the government will have to run “primary surpluses” equal to 0.6 percent of GDP, 4.9 percentage points higher than current projections, between 2023 and 2097 .

Therefore, it is imperative that the US government takes a comprehensive approach to address the debt problem. The government should focus on reducing spending, increasing revenue, and improving economic growth. A balanced approach that includes a combination of these measures is necessary to address the US debt problem.
