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Getting Kids Ready for Back to School: Tips for a Smooth Transition

As summer winds down, the excitement and anticipation of a new school year begin to build. Preparing your kids for back to school can be a fun and rewarding experience with a bit of planning and organization. Here are some tips to help ensure a smooth transition: 1. Establish a Routine Start adjusting your child’s sleep schedule a week or two before school begins. Gradually move bedtime earlier and wake them up closer to the time they’ll need to get up for school. This helps their bodies adjust and makes the first week back less of a shock. 2. Organize School Supplies Make a list of necessary school supplies and involve your child in the shopping process. Letting them choose their notebooks, pens, and backpacks can make them more excited about the new school year. Don’t forget to label everything with their name! 3. Create a Study Space Set up a dedicated, clutter-free area for homework and studying. Ensure it’s well-lit and stocked with all the supplies they might need. Having a speci

Cryptocurrency and Taxes: What You Need to Know

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that is becoming increasingly popular among investors. However, the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA’s) stance on cryptocurrencies can lead to unexpected tax implications for investors.

Here are some key issues:

  • Taxable Events: Depositing crypto with a trading platform may be considered a taxable event if ownership is transferred to the platform.
  • Tax Consequences: The profit from the sale or transfer of crypto may be taxed as capital gain or business income, depending on whether it’s a capital asset or business inventory.
  • Loss Claims: Losses from crypto fraud may not be claimable if the individual doesn’t own the cryptocurrency according to the contractual relationship with the trading platform.
  • Investor Awareness: Investors should carefully review terms and conditions when depositing crypto, as CRA’s views could significantly impact tax obligations.

It is importance to understand CRA’s perspective on cryptocurrency ownership and taxation to avoid surprises.  If you’re unsure about the tax implications of your cryptocurrency investments, it’s best to consult a tax professional.
