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Getting Kids Ready for Back to School: Tips for a Smooth Transition

As summer winds down, the excitement and anticipation of a new school year begin to build. Preparing your kids for back to school can be a fun and rewarding experience with a bit of planning and organization. Here are some tips to help ensure a smooth transition: 1. Establish a Routine Start adjusting your child’s sleep schedule a week or two before school begins. Gradually move bedtime earlier and wake them up closer to the time they’ll need to get up for school. This helps their bodies adjust and makes the first week back less of a shock. 2. Organize School Supplies Make a list of necessary school supplies and involve your child in the shopping process. Letting them choose their notebooks, pens, and backpacks can make them more excited about the new school year. Don’t forget to label everything with their name! 3. Create a Study Space Set up a dedicated, clutter-free area for homework and studying. Ensure it’s well-lit and stocked with all the supplies they might need. Having a speci

Your daily horoscope: January 5, 2024



Fate has something special in store for you this year and when the time comes to making a choice between carrying on with the old ways and striking out in a new direction you must choose the latter, because that’s when the really good stuff begins.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20):

News that arrives from afar may disturb you a little bit today but don’t overreact. Some people have a tendency to paint a darker picture of events than is necessary and that is almost certainly the case on this occasion. Take it in your stride.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21):

Someone you meet on your travels today could become a very good friend in the months and years ahead, so be open to everyone who approaches you, even if at first glance they don’t seem to be your type of person. They could in fact be very special.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21):

Your financial situation may be a bit worrying but if you stay calm and look for sensible solutions to your cashflow problems it shouldn’t be too hard to find one that suits you. In future though, don’t spend so much on stuff you know you don’t need.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23):

Something you see or hear in the news will inspire you to be more upbeat about your own situation. It might not seem a nice point to make but the fact is there are billions of people in the world who would swap places with you in a flash.

LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23):

What occurs today will put a new slant on what is going on at your place of work. What you previously saw as a challenge to your authority will now reveal itself to be a cry for help – and who better to seek assistance from but you.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23):

You need to believe in yourself more and Mars in the most dynamic area of your chart is sure to boost your confidence. Don’t go too far though and start coming across as a bit of a know-it-all. Let others grab a little of the glory too.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23):

It’s a fool’s game trying to predict what people are going to say and do, so focus on your own words and actions today and make sure you can explain yourself if others decide to challenge you. Always aim to be thinking three steps ahead.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22):

There are a lot of positive things going on in your life at the moment but still you seem a bit down. Why is that? Whatever the reason you must snap out of it because the weekend will bring at least one and maybe several marvellous opportunities.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):

Your luck is very much on the turn now and with so much cosmic activity taking place in the money area of your chart that luck could well be financial. An offer that arrives out of the blue today or over the weekend could make you a fortune!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20):

Don’t reject what a friend or loved one tells you today merely because it was not what you were hoping to hear. The planets suggest that if you follow their suggestion you could end up in a much more attractive place than where you are now.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):

Aim to do something today that shocks those who have got used to jogging through life at a comfortable pace. There are important things that need to be done and you will be taking a lead in doing them, but you can’t do it all on your own.

PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20):

If you look for patterns in your world today you may be surprised by what you discover. Even if you are the sort of person who believes that life is just a succession of random events you may start to wonder if there really is a bigger picture.
