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Solar Storm Brings Northern Lights to Southern Canada and Beyond

  A series of powerful solar storms recently graced the night skies, making the northern lights unusually visible even in regions far south. This dazzling display was caused by a geomagnetic storm , which not only illuminated Canada but also extended its colorful auroras to parts of the northern United States and Europe. The Solar Storm Phenomenon Solar storms occur due to the sun’s activity cycle, which spans approximately 11 years. During the solar maximum , more sunspots appear on the sun’s surface. These sunspots are cooler regions that appear black when observed through solar telescopes. However, they are more than mere spots—they represent an entanglement of magnetic fields that can erupt with a solar flare . Often, solar flares are followed by a coronal mass ejection (CME) —a massive burst of charged particles carried along the solar wind. In this recent case, the sun produced a series of CMEs, which are now heading toward Earth. The U.S.-based National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Understanding the OAS Clawback: Impact and Costs


The Old Age Security (OAS) clawback is a critical aspect of Canada’s retirement system. Let’s delve into the details:

What Is the OAS Clawback?

  • Threshold: Seniors who receive OAS payments may need to pay back a portion if their annual income exceeds a certain amount. This threshold is indexed annually and currently stands at $86,912 for 2023 (estimated to be $90,997 for 2024).

  • 15% Tax: For every taxable dollar earned above this threshold, a 15% clawback tax is applied to the OAS benefit. Essentially, seniors still receive OAS income, but it’s reduced by this withholding tax.

Who Is Affected?

  • High Earners: Previously high-income earners applying for OAS may face immediate clawbacks based on prior tax returns. The timing of pension receipt determines which year’s income is considered.

  • Specific Income Levels:

    • 65-74 Years Old: If your income exceeds $142,609, you won’t receive OAS.
    • 75 and Older: For those over 75, the threshold is $148,179.

Costs and Considerations

  • Annualized Growth: Canada’s economy surged in Q4 2023, but the OAS clawback remains a concern for retirees. Balancing growth and income thresholds is crucial.

  • Minimizing Clawback: Strategies exist to minimize the clawback. For instance, managing investment income and optimizing retirement accounts can help.

Remember, while the OAS clawback affects many, it’s essential to consult a professional for personalized advice. 
